Extremely well organized and lucidly written book with an approach to explain the concepts in communicable languages. Suitable text book for the students of BCA, B. Tech., M.C.A., M.Sc., M Tech., etc.
Each Chapter follows Objective type problems. Around 500 objective type problems (235) Multiple choice questions, 130 Fill in the blanks type, 135 True/False type with their answers to help Students understand very concept.
Around 800 problems of various level of difficulty in exercises to review the understanding and testing the skills of the students after every section.
Around 140 theorems to give better understanding and insights of the concepts.
Topics are followed by figures and tables. In total more than 400 figures and 140 tables are taken to back the understanding of topics.
Chapter includes: Combinatorics, Set Theory, Relations Functions, Group Theory, Rings and Fields, Logic, Lattices, Boolean Algebra, Graph Theory, Automata.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Combinatorics.
Chapter 2: Set Theory.
Chapter 3: Relations.
Chapter 4: Functions.
Chapter 5: Groups.
Chapter 6: Rings & Fields.
Chapter 7: Logic.
Chapter 8: Lattices.
Chapter 9: Boolean Algebra.
Chapter 10: Graph Theory.
Chapter 11: Automata.
Dr. S.B. Singh is an Associate Professor in the Dept. Of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Sc., G.B. Pant University of Agri. & Tech., Pantnagar. He has around thirteen years of teaching experience at different Engineering Colleges and University. He has authored and co-authored seven more books. he has been conferred with four national awards.
Dr. Jai Kishore is an Assistant professor in the Dept. of Mathematics, Indraprustha Eng. College Ghaziabad. He has more than 8 Years of teaching experience in different Eng. colleges. He has authored and co-authored four more books.
Dr. Ekata is an Assistant Professor at Dept. of Mathematics, Krishna Institute of Eng. & Tech. Ghaziabad. She has more than fifteen years of teaching experience in different Eng. Colleges.
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