Extremely well organized and lucidly written book. Suitable textbook for the students of B.C.A., B.Sc.,(IT), B. Tech., M.C.A., M.Sc. More than 425 worked out problems with full solution. Around 400 problems of various levels of difficulty in exercises to review the understanding and testing the skills of the students. Topics are followed by figures. In total more than 760 figures are taken to back the understanding of topics.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Combinatorics.
Chapter 2: Graph Theory.
Chapter 3: Trees.
Chapter 4: Planar Graph.
Chapter 5: Matrix Representation of Graphs.
Chapter 6: Colorings.
Chapter 7: Directed Graph.
Chapter 8: Enumeration.
Chapter 9: Application of Graph in Computer Science.
Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Examples.
S.B. Singh
Dr. S.B. Singh is an Associate Professor in the Deptt. Of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Sc., G.B. Pant University of Agri. & Tech., Pantnagar. He has around thirteen years of teaching experience at different Engineering Colleges and University. He has authored and co-authored seven more books. he has been conferred with four national awards.
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