Electrical Power Generation – Conventional and Renewable is comprehensive textbook meant for B. Tech (Electrical Engineering), B. Tech (Electrical and Electronics), M. Tech(Electrical Engineering) and M. Tech(Mechanical Engineering) students. This book is also useful for students preparing for GATE, AMIE, UPSC(Engineering Services) and IIIE Exams.
The book covers complete syllabus prescribed by various universities, Institutes and NIT’s etc. It contains large number of solved numerical problems, flowcharts, diagrams for easy comprehension. Various pedagogical features such as learning objectives ,chapter summary, list of formulae, multiple choice questions, numerical questions and short answer type questions are provided for practice and understanding. It covers syllabus for subjects viz. power station practice, renewable energy resources, energy technology and electrical power generation.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Power Generation.
Chapter 2: Economic Operations Power Plants.
Chapter 3: Thermal Power Generation.
Chapter 4: Hydro Electric Power Generation.
Chapter 5: Nuclear Power Generation.
Chapter 6: Gas Turbine Based Power Generation.
Chapter 7: Diesel Based Power Generation.
Chapter 8: Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Power Generation.
Chapter 9: Wind Power Generation.
Chapter 10: Bio-Mass Power Generation.
Chapter 11: Geothermal Power Generation.
Chapter 12: Ocean Thermal, Tidal and Wave Power Generation.
Chapter 13: Thermal Power Generation.
Chapter 14: Thermo-Electric, Thermionic and Small Hydro Power Generation.
Chapter 15: Co-ordinated operation of Power Plants.
Chapter 16: Electrical Energy Conservation.
Chapter 17: Substation.
Tanmoy Deb
Dr. Tanmoy Deb had graduated in electrical engineering from NIT, Surat with distinction and gold medal. He did M.Tech (Power Systems and Drives), M.Tech (Control & Instrumentation), MBA and M.Phil (Management). He Was awarded Ph.D in Electrical Engineering by Jamia Islamia (Central University). He has authored three books and 51 research publications. He is member of 12 professional studies and honorary secretary (Delhi Chapter) of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineers (2006-08). He has 30 years of experience in teaching and industry.
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