This text book of “Applied Chemistry” is development as per AICTE model curriculum ,2018, for compulsory course on Applied Chemistry of first years Diploma Program in Engineering and Technology. Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding & Solution, Water, Engineering Materials, Chemistry of fuels & Lubricants and Electrochemistry are the five units of this book, comprising of both practical and theory.
Some salient features of the book:
1. Course Outcomes and Unit Outcomes are written specifically and are mapped with program Outcomes.
2. Utmost care have been taken to amalgamate the philosophy of outcome based education.
3. The structure of the textbook is comprehensive, where in practical exercises are integral part of each unit.
4. The text is presented in a very simple way with illustrations, examples, tables, flow chart, self -assessment questions and their solutions.
5. Micro projects, points/issue for the creative inquisitiveness & curiosity, know more, video links, case study and summary points are integral part of each unit to facilitate the students to develop the attitude of scientific inquiry, investigate the cause and effect relationship, systematic, scientific & logical thinking , ability to observe, analyse and interpret.
6. To meet the requirement of outcome based education (OBE) and outcome based assessment (OBA), criterion referenced testing (CRT) have been used as an integral part of assessment in each practical.
7. Sample QR codes have been provided in each units on some topics/sub topics for supplementary reading and reinforcing the learning.
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