This book is meant for diploma & degree student of metallurgical engineering for their academic programs as well as for various competitive examination for securing jobs. This book has been structured in three section. First section contains multiple choice type questions of various subjects of metallurgical engineering. Second section contains chapter wise question of GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) from 1991 to 2016. Third section contains SHORT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS in METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING. Fourth section contains APPENDICES containing Glossary of terms related to Metallurgical Engineering and Q&A of GATE-2017. This book has been designed to serve as “Hand Book of Metallurgical Engineering” which will be useful for various competitive examinations for recruitment in various public sector & Private Sector companies as well as for GATE Examination. Question have been arranged subject wise and answers are given at the bottom of the page.
Table of Contents
Section A – MCQ of Metallurgical Engineering
Chapter 1: General Metallurgy.
Chapter 2: Mineral Dressing.
Chapter 3: Iron Making.
Chapter 4: Steel Making.
Chapter 5: Extractive Metallurgy (Non-Ferrous).
Chapter 6: Mechanical Metallurgy.
Chapter 7: Physical Metallurgy.
Chapter 8: Materials Science.
Chapter 9: Fuel Technology.
Chapter 10: Furnace Technology.
Chapter 11: Refractory Technology.
Chapter 12: Foundry Metallurgy.
Chapter 13: Welding Metallurgy.
Chapter 14: Metallurgy of Nuclear Metals.
Chapter 15: Electrometallurgy and Corrosion.
Chapter 16: Metallurgical Testing &Inspection.
Chapter 17: Metallurgical Analysis.
Chapter 18: Physics of Metals.
Chapter 19: Metallurgical Thermodynamics.
Chapter 20: Metallurgical Kinetics.
Chapter 21: Miscellaneous Questions.
Section B – MCQ of GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)
Chapter 22: General Metallurgy.
Chapter 23: Mineral Dressing.
Chapter 24: Iron Making.
Chapter 25: Steel Making.
Chapter 26: Extractive Metallurgy (Non-Ferrous).
Chapter 27: Mechanical Metallurgy.
Chapter 28: Physical Metallurgy.
Chapter 29: Materials Science.
Chapter 30: Fuel Technology.
Chapter 31: Refractory Technology.
Chapter 32: Foundry Metallurgy.
Chapter 33: Welding Metallurgy.
Chapter 34: Electrometallurgy and Corrosion.
Chapter 35: Metallurgical Thermodynamics.
Chapter 36: Metallurgical Kinetics.
Chapter 37: Miscellaneous Questions.
Chapter 38: GATE– 2017.
Section- C Short Questions & Answers in Metallurgical Engineering
O.P. Gupta
Om Prakash Gupta is basically being a chemical engineer, he has a practicing experience of efficient Energy management and HR functions in steel Industry for more than three decades. privileged to be the youngest writer of technical books in the country (for he had written his first book at the age of 24 years while doing M. Tech. at I.I.T Kanpur in 1979), he has authored many frontline books for engineering students. besides, being the regular faculty member in technical courses for Management Trainees (Technical), he has also visited England and France on a study tour sponsored by United Nations Development Program(UNDP) to study the scope of energy conservation in steel plants in 1987.
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