This book will teach you how to explore the immense potential of C, with lucid explanations to elusive solutions. Many of the Degrees or diplomas or certified programs being conducted in computer science and Information Technology field, it has indeed become difficult for software development companies to separate chaff from the grain. Hence many of the IT companies conduct written test in C language. Through on the face of it C language appears to be simple but it has number of features which can challenge the best in the field. This book will be an excellent guide for aspiring IT professionals and a valuable resource bank, for IT companies, to frame placement papers and technical interviews. Each chapter contains code snippets, Fill in the Blanks, True or false and Objective Type Questions.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Getting Started.
Chapter 2: Operators and Expressions.
Chapter 3: Console Input and Output.
Chapter 4: Control Flow Statements.
Chapter 5: Arrays.
Chapter 6: Strings.
Chapter 7: Functions.
Chapter 8: Storage Classes.
Chapter 9: Pointers.
Chapter 10: Structure and Union.
Chapter 11: Files.
Chapter 12: C Preprocessor.
Chapter 13: C Traps.
Ikvinderpal Singh
Ikvinderpal Singh, is Lecturer of P.G. Deptt. Of Computer Science & Applications, Khalsa College, Amritsar which is a premier institute in North India. He obtained his MCA with distinction from Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. He has always been excellence right from his student carrier. He has written five books. He brought name for himself when he topped the college in B.Sc. His other areas of interest include Fuzzy systems, digital electronics and java programming.
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