This book on Highway Engineering shall be useful for B.E./B. Tech & M.E/ M. Tech students of Civil Engineering. It shall also be useful for practicing Engineering and designers.
ISBN 13 | |
ISBN 10 | |
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Discount | 20% Off |
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Categories | All books, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, New Arrivals, UNIVERSITY RECOMMENDED |
Condition Type | New |
Country Origin | India |
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This book on Highway Engineering shall be useful for B.E./B. Tech & M.E/ M. Tech students of Civil Engineering. It shall also be useful for practicing Engineering and designers.
Chapter 1: Development of Highways.
Chapter 2: Highway Administration and Finance.
Chapter 3: Road User and the Vehicle.
Chapter 4: Geometric Design.
Chapter 5: Design Surveys, Soils and Aggregates, Investigations and Tests.
Chapter 6: Design, Drawing, Estimates and Projects Report.
Chapter 7: Economic Evaluation of Highway Projects.
Chapter 8: Embankment Design and Construction.
Chapter 9: Types of Pavements and Factors Governing Pavement Design.
Chapter 10: Pavement Materials.
Chapter 11: Design of Flexible Pavements.
Chapter 12: Rigid Pavements.
Chapter 13: Soil Stabilization.
Chapter 14: Granular Sub-Bases, Bases and Surface Courses.
Chapter 15: Brick, Stone and Cement Concrete Block Pavements.
Chapter 16: Hill Roads.
Chapter 17: Rural Roads (Low Volume Roads).
Chapter 18: Urban Roads
Chapter 19: Expressways
Chapter 20: Toll Roads.
Chapter 21: Desert Roads.
Chapter 22: Roads in Swampy and Water-Logged Areas and in Black Cotton Soils.
Chapter 23: Road Construction Machinery.
Chapter 24: Road Construction Programming and Management.
Chapter 25: Highway Drainage.
Chapter 26: Cross-Drainage Structures.
Chapter 27: Road Accident and Highway Design.
Chapter 28: Road Signs.
Chapter 29: Road Markings.
Chapter 30: Traffic Signals.
Chapter 31: Highway Safety Appurtenances.
Chapter 32: Highway Maintenance.
Chapter 33: Pavement Evaluation.
Chapter 34: Overlay Design and construction.
Chapter 35: Use of Geosynthetics.
Chapter 36: Environmental, Landscaping and Arboriculture.
Chapter 37: Airport Engineering.
L.R. Kadiyali
Dr. L.R.Kadiyali is B.E.(Hons.), from Bombay and pursued Ph.D. from Kakatiya University.He has done P.G. diploma in Highway and Traffic Engineering from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. He is Formerly Chief Engineer, (Roads Wig), Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi and Study Director, Road User Coast Study, Central Road Research Institute New Delhi.
This book on Highway Engineering shall be useful for B.E./B. Tech & M.E/ M. Tech students of Civil Engineering. It shall also be useful for practicing Engineering and designers.
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Buy nowThis book on Highway Engineering shall be useful for B.E./B. Tech & M.E/ M. Tech students of Civil Engineering. It shall also be useful for practicing Engineering and designers.
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