The complete spectrum of computer fundamentals starting from historical evolution of computers to its successful usage among common men. Another important dimension of the book includes its opening from general concept of data communication to the extent of internet & usage. The book also attempts to highlight the societal impacts of the computer technology. The language used in the book is lucid, is easy to understand, and facilitates easy grasping of concepts. The chapters have been logically arranged in sequence. The book is written in a reader-friendly manner both for the students and the teachers. Most of the contents presented in the book are in the form of bullets, organized sequentially. This form of presentation, rather than in a paragraph form, facilitates the reader to view, understand and remember the points better. The explanation is supported by diagrams, pictures and images wherever required. Adequate exercises have been given at end of the every chapter.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Historical Evolution of Data processing and Computing.
Chapter 2: Computers and their Classification.
Chapter 3: Number Systems and their Inter conversions.
Chapter 4: Computer Codes and Their Types.
Chapter 5: Input and Output devices.
Chapter 6: Memory and Mass Storage Devices.
Chapter 7: Software and Operating System Concepts.
Chapter 8: Programming languages and Program development.
Chapter 9: Data Communication and Related Concepts.
Chapter 10: Computer Networks and Internet.
Chapter 11: Computer Applications.
Nasib Singh Gill
Dr. Nasib Singh Gill is a high profile and an acknowledge teacher. Dr. Gill obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in March 1996 under the supervision of a very renowned and an eminent Computer Scientist, Pro-Head, Department of Computer Science & Applications, M.D. University, Rohatak. He is working in Department of Computer Science & Applications, M.D. University, Rohtak since its inception in Feb. 1990. Presently, he is working as Senior Faculty in the department and has more than 10.5 years of teaching experience. His area of research is ‘Software Metrics’, a sub-area of ‘Software engineering’ discipline and presently he is orienting himself in the area of ‘Information Technology’.
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