The coverage of graphics in graphics in normal courses on C or C++ is only marginal. The idea of a student after a course on or C++ is that, a graphic image can be generated through a program and not by clicking and dragging the mouse as is done in menu driven interactive packages like coral DRAW, Photoshop, AutoCAD or paintbrush, without these options a number of students fail to appreciate the very purpose of graphics under C or C++. They do not know that the compiler can be used to design full CAD packages with all these options and a lot more. Once the full potential of the C++ compiler is understood, the students, where studying engineering, BCA, MCA or attending short term computer courses, are very inquisitive and enthusiastic to learn more about graphics under C/C++.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Preparations for Graphics.
Chapter 2: Standard Library Graphic Functions.
Chapter 3: Object Oriented Programming for Graphics.
Chapter 4: Animation and Twinning.
Chapter 5: Interactive Graphics.
Chapter 6: Direct Access Color Graphics.
Chapter 7: Installing the Mouse.
Chapter 8: File Input/ Output of Graphic Images.
Chapter 9: Increase your Color Options.
Chapter 10: Translation.
Chapter 11: Rotation & Scaling.
Chapter 12: Three Dimensional Graphics.
P.B. Mahapatra
Dr. P.B. Mahapatra, after an illustrious student career in I.I.T., Kharagpur, joined the faculty of Punjab Engineering College in 1970 as Assistant professor in the department of production Engineering. Since then he has served the institute in various capacities and at the moment serving as professor in the department of mechanical Engineering. His area of interest includes production Management, Industrial Engineering, quality control and operations research. His first books was Thinking in C published in 1996. The success of the book all over the country and numerous requests from potential readers for more such books prompted him to write a number of books on computer science. Other books authored by him include Thinking in C++, Thinking in Java, Graphic under C++ and Computer Aided production Management. Two more volumes, Essentials of information practice and essentials of computer Science have been authored by him for school children, written strictly according to the CBSE Syllabus, these are also very popular in school.
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