This book written in simple language. You can get technical training regarding assembling, disassembling, maintenance, troubleshooting and upgrading PC’s with the help of this book. This book covers everything from introduction of computer hardware to the advanced repairing techniques. You can learn regarding preventive maintenance of PC, which is a necessary part of every PC, because it insures that a PC operates for longer time periods and it involves fixing problems before they occur. The idea given behind preventive maintenance is to set aside some time to routinely open the computer, inspect it, clean it, and fix any items that may need attention.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to PC.
Chapter 2: Assembling and Disassembling a PC.
Chapter 3: Preventive Maintenance of a PC.
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting General PC Problems.
Chapter 5: Hard Disk.
Chapter 6: Floppy Disk.
Chapter 7: CD and DVD Drives.
Chapter 8: Central Processing Unit (CPU).
Chapter 9: Motherboards.
Chapter 10: Memory.
Chapter 11: Peripheral Devices.
Chapter 12: Modems.
Chapter 13: Adapter Cards.
Chapter 14: The PC Buses.
Chapter 15: Basic Input/ Output System (BIOS).
Chapter 16: Buying a Computer.
Appendix A : Glossary of Terms
Beep Codes
Mandeep Singh Bhatia
Mr. Mandeep Singh Bhatia is presently working as Lecturer in Department of Computer Science & IT, Lyallpur Khansa College, Jalandhar. He is Master in Information Technology and has appropriate knowledge of Computer Software and Hardware. He is proficient in applying Data Mining Techniques in various fields. His subjects of interest are Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Computer Networks and Computer Hardware. His total teaching experience is of 5 years. He has written one research paper which has been published in the proceedings of international conference held at Austria. Other books by author are: “Fundamentals of Computer Hardware” and “A Beginner’s Guide to Visual Basic 6”.
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