Each chapter begins with an outline an overview, and a list of learning objective. Extensive coverage of data Structure basics, pictorial representation of each and every Data Structures in given in detail. Demonstration the development of algorithms is a lucid manner. Includes numbers illustrative examples to understand the topic easily. Demonstrates the implementation of algorithms in a good programming style. Objective-type questions have been provided. Around 200 algorithms are included. Diagrams are used extensively throughout the text. Contains numerous theory questions at the last of each chapter. Gives detailed description of arrays, stack and queues in lucid manner. Covers all tree structures like binary tree, binary search trees, AVL, B+ tree and red black trees in detail. Detailed analysis of each and every sorting and searching technique like hash functions, linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing and rehashing. Brief introduction to the concept of file and storage management. This book will be useful for student of BE (Computer/Electronics), B. Tech, ME(Computer/Electronics), M. Tech, MCA BCA, M.Sc., B.Sc. and also to students pursuing A/B/C-level course of DOEACC.
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