Civil Engineering
Showing 1–15 of 36 resultsSorted by latest
Showing 1–15 of 36 resultsSorted by latest
Total Quality Management is an integrated approach in satisfying customer needs in totally on a continuous basis, through involvement of each and every employee in the organization, making continuous improvement on one side and an appropriate cost-effective technology on the other side. It is management philosophy for professional excellence that too through customer orientatio...
Particulate Technology, a study of particulate materials, their properties and behavior in processes, is of increasing importance in process industries. Particulates are frequently encountered in modern technology that it is difficult to name an area of industrial activity where such materials do not play a significant part. The term " particulates" is used to include smal...
Heat transmission is very common and familiarly occurs in our daily life, so much that we tend to accept the process for granted and only think of its glaring manifestations and effects. We use our physical intuition to interpret thermal phenomena, and our reactions to hot and cod substances or the environment becomes voluntary. However, when heat transmission is considered fro...
Environmental control is basically concerned with providing clean air and water, Since 1950's this concern has expanded into a wide range of activities, needing to find long lasting solutions for problems of global implications. One such topic is, Hazardous Waste Management. Typical solution to this problem involves, Monitoring, Treatment, Safe handling and Development of Contr...
This book is useful for the students of B. Tech/ B.E. for all Indian Universities and Institutions. This book covers all the topics related to Machine Design components and Machines. The matter contains data as per BIS. A lot many problems have been solved taking data from BIS. utilizing the the latest standards and codes, it is expected that the book shall be appreciated by th...
The book shall be useful to the students and teacher of all Indian Universities and Institutions in the branches of mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering and other allied branches.
This is a text book for B.E./ B. Tech. students of all Indian Universities and Institutions. The book contains fifteen chapters. The book contains a large number of solved and unsolved problems. The special features of the book are: summery, Review Question, Multi-choice Questions and end of chapter numerical problems.
This book is a elective paper for civil engineering student. This book is primarily designed as an introductory text book for the students pursuing B. Tech degree in Civil Engineering. Each chapter contains a set of exercise at the end of each unit to test the student's comprehension.
This book is a textbook for the B.E./B. Tech. students of UP technical University, Lucknow and Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun. The book has been written as per the new syllabus of these Universities. The subject matter has been explained in the simplest possible way for easy assimilation by the students. This has been reinforced by a large number of solved examples....
This book is a textbook for the B.E./B. Tech. students of All Indian Universities and Institutions. The subject matter has been explained in the simplest possible way for easy assimilation by the students. This has been reinforced by a large number of solved examples. A large number of solved examples, short answer type questions chapter wise. Unsolved end-of chapter exercises....
Written in an innovative style, this book in SI system of units is a complete treatise on fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines. It presents the subject matter in an explicit, lucid and comprehensive manner. Simple mathematical models have been used to describe the intricate physical concepts.
The sixth edition of the book has thoroughly been modified and enlarged to meet the revised syllabi of many universities and other professional examination like AMIE and above all to incorporate the suggestions received from the students and faculty a like. Additional problems on two-dimensional complex stress systems have been fully solved by both analytical and Mohr's circlem...
The book “Industrial Engineering Management” Covers the syllabus of the subjects Industrial Engineering, Industrial management, Production Planning and Control, Production Management, Engineering Economics and Costing, Industrial Organization, Principles of management courses, section B of AIME, and U.P.S.C Engineering Services Examination. Efforts have been made to present...
This book cover the syllabi of Contraction Engineering for Degree as well as Diploma students and is also useful for practicing engineers. Construction covers varies forms of activities ranging from houses to high rise buildings, industrial structures, road construction, expressways, bridge, dams barrages, runways, ports, canals, railways etc. These high value projects invol...
This book on "Disaster Management" deals with different types of disasters, their basic concepts, impacts, preparedness, capacity building, prevention, mitigation, response relief, hazards, vulnerability, and disaster prone areas in India. This books deals natural disaster like, earthquakes, floods, cyclones, avalanches, droughts, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, landslides...