Showing 106–120 of 575 results
Showing 106–120 of 575 results
WebTech solutions Inc. is one of the pioneers of the technology industry. WebTech solution Inc. is a leading IT development company bringing the latest technologies in a short span of time. Its professional research team aims to deliver the latest information on the best way to analyze, develop, test, debug and tune best development skills including technical coding and theoret...
This book is one of the pioneers of the technology industry. Webtech solution Inc. is a leading IT development company bringing the latest technologies in a short span of time. Its professional research team aims to deliver the latest information on the best ways to analyze, develop, test debug and tune best development skills including technical coding and theoretical concepts...
In this book, an attempt has been made by the author to present numerous important questions with answers which have been methodically prepared/selected from different text books, manuals of petroleum industries, SPE technical papers and teaching materials of distinguished persons. These questions are very relevant for promoting fundamental understanding of petroleum engineerin...
Easy-to-read writing style. Comprehensive coverage of all software engineering topics. Bullet lists and tables. More detailed examples of software implementations. Simple and easy explanation to complex topics like software design, software requirement, software coding and software testing. covers topics on implementation issues like software implementation, cost estimation, so...
This book is meant to cater the needs of the electrical. Electronics and communication engineering students as well as the faculty offering the courses on electromagnetic field theory or Electromagnetic Fields Waves. Electromagnetic Field Theory is an introductory textbook on electromagnetic fields written in an easily comprehensible and logical manner to give the basic conce...
This book covers the complete latest syllabus of subject as suggested by most of the universities in India. Step-by-step procedures given for solving problems. A bulleted list of important points is listed in the chapter summery. Proper balance between mathematical detail and qualitative discussion. Moving from the unknown in a logical manner. At the end of the each chapter, a ...
Visual basic is such a vast subject that it will take a lot of time to understanding it fully. This book has been written in mind to make you aware of the options available in the software and how they can be used. It is like telling the child about the steps and stairs. You are the one who is to climb the stair. This book will just guide you how to use the stairs.