The book, “Unaccounted For Water”, explains the intricacies involved in identifying the various components for UFW, quantifying the same methods to reduce the leakage and non-metered consumption. The book also explains about the measures and the expenditure to contain UFW, which depends on the cost of water. Chapter 4 and 5 deal with the various techniques on water leakage management and chapter 6 highlights the latest instruments used for leakage detection. Chapter 9 spells out the realistic issues of UFW.
The learning material has been prepared to train the professionals responsible for water supply and maintenance. Knowledge gained from this book will help the Water Board to maintain the Water Supply System (WSS) more effectively and earn more revenue.
The specific objectives of this resource training material are:
1. To use as learning material, for leakage control activities.
2. To use as manual for , trainers and managers involved in leakage control activities.
3. To help the process of training so that more trainees have access to skills dealing with leakage control.
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