Since its inception, C has gained wide acceptance in industry and continues to enjoy the same. Even the modern languages, such as C++/java/C#, have been influenced by the success of C language. Therefore, If you are proficient in C language, it takes little time to graduate to languages. All IT companies want that students must be very good in conceptual knowledge of C language. This book gives an ample opportunity to you to test/ evaluate your skills in C. Plenty of multiple choice type questions. Plenty of true false type questions. Plenty of fill-in the blanks type questions. Plenty of short answer type questions.
Table of Contents
Some Useful Tips:
Chapter 1: Multiple Choice Type questions.
Chapter 2: True-false type questions.
Chapter 3: Fill-In The Blanks Type Questions.
Chapter 4: Short answer type questions.
R.S. Salaria
Prof. R.S. Salaria is a superior teacher, a prolific author and a great motivator. He is an alumnus of IIT, Delhi. He is a Certified Software Quality professional by Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India: Sun Certified Programmer as well as Sun Certified Trainer by SUN Microsystems. He is a life member of computer society of India, Mumbai: Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, New Delhi: Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi: Punjab Academy of Sciences, Patiala. Presently, he is talking initiatives to Sensitize the citizens of this great country about their fundamental responsibilities towards society and seeking their contributions to make the society a wonderful place for happy and peaceful living.
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