This Book Provided the requisite details of the subject structural analysis in a simple and lucid language to cater the needs of the undergraduate students of bachelor of Civil Engineering inĀ Engineering Colleges of Indian universities abroad.
The book is thoroughly revised and updated covering all necessary topic with a vast numerical example with neat diagrams. This edition shall be of immense help to students of engineering colleges who prepare of the U.P.S.C. Engineering Services Examination and Civil Services Examination (IAS) and sloe for gate Examination.
Table of Contents
Topics Covered in This Book:
ChapterĀ 1: Stress & Strains.
ChapterĀ 2: Centroid & Moment of Inertia.
ChapterĀ 3: Mass Moment of inertia of Solid Bodies.
ChapterĀ 4: Shearing Force and Bending Moment.
ChapterĀ 5:Bending Stresses in Beams.
ChapterĀ 6: Slope and Deflection of Beam.
ChapterĀ 7: Ā Analysis of Determinate Trusses.
ChapterĀ 8: Deflection of Plane Frames.
ChapterĀ 9: Suspending Cables.
ChapterĀ 10: Ā Three- Hinged Arches.
ChapterĀ 11: Ā Shear Stress In Beam.
ChapterĀ 12: Masonry Dams And Retaining Walls.
ChapterĀ 13: Ā Columns.
ChapterĀ 14: Ā Torsion.
ChapterĀ 15: Rivetted & Bolted Joints.
ChapterĀ 16: Ā Welded Joints.
ChapterĀ 17: Ā Principal Stresses (Mohr’s Circle).
ChapterĀ 18: Fixed End Beams.
R. Agor
Lecturer in Civil Engineering (Retd.) Technical Education, Delhi.
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