This book blends concepts with real practical applications. Simple and lucid style trains the reader not only in developing application programs but also familiarizes with system level programming. Contains about 1600 solved simple as well as complex programming problems. Include real life solved examples. Contains program regarding all header files functions used in C programming like studies math etc. All macro functions are covered with suitable programs macro basic, macro constant, macro string etc. Contain all data types programming descriptions. All operations are explaining in the form of simple programs. It covers all function of console I/O and file I/O. Control statements, array, strings, functions, pointers, dynamic memory allocation is described using simple as well as system level programming. Containing graphic programming.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Getting Started With C.
Chapter 2: All Data Types.
Chapter 3: Operators.
Chapter 4: Console Input/Output.
Chapter 5: Control Statements.
Chapter 6: Array.
Chapter 7: Strings.
Chapter 8: Functions.
Chapter 9: Pointers.
Chapter 10: Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Chapter 11: Structure and Union.
Chapter 12: Files.
Chapter 13: Macros in C.
Chapter 14: Header Files in C.
Chapter 15: Graphics Programming.
Ikvinderpal Singh
Ikvinderpal Singh, is Lecturer of P.G. Deptt. Of Computer Science & Applications, Khalsa College, Amritsar which is a premier institute in North India. He obtained his MCA with distinction from Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. He has always been excellence right from his student carrer. He has written five books. He brought name for himself when he topped the college in B.Sc. His other areas of interest include Fuzzy systems, digital electronics and java programming.
Rachhpal Singh
Rachhpal Singh is head of P.G. Dept. Computer Science & Applications, Khalsa College, Amritsar which is a premier institute in North India. He obtained his MCA from thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, patiala. He has over fifteen years of teaching experience to teach post graduate classes. He is an international author of the world level and his other areas of interest include software engineering, parallel processing system level programming.
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