A total of six hundred relevant Interview Question have been included which augurs well for you in your pre-interview preparation. The “Project Management” Chapter discusses organizational behavior in its various facets such as motivation, leadership, ego less programming and stress. The ” The software Development process” chapter makes you enact the roles of the various people involved in the SDLC such as the system analyst, the system designer.. Besides, it has many a multiple choice problems which you would very well enjoy trying your hand at. One hundred “Bonus Interview Question on C# ,Net” have been included and the various similarities and difference between C# and Java have been taken into account. The appendix contains the essence of the JAVA API package which includes fifty-nine libraries in all. The acronyms and the glossary sections are for your ready reference. They have been so designed as to enable you to understand much of the computer jargon associated not only with the Java environment, but in general also, in a big way. The accompanying CD-ROM includes some nerve raking software, sample code and other interview preparatory material.
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