This book will be of great help to programmers who are already familiar with programming in C,C++ or VB. They can upgrade their skills through this book and achieve great height in the world of computer programming. Java definitely has a future in research and teaching, as well as system development. The objects of this book is to promote that future by spreading the use of the language as widely as possible. This book is divided into a number of chapters. each chapter is a self contained area. The chapters in this book are around in a sequence order. The programs presented in this book are just to understand the application. The objective of this book is the serve as a textbook for the subject ” Internet and Java Programming” in various course viz. MCA/B. Tech/BCA/M. Sc./B. Sc. etc. The objective of this book is the serve as a textbook for the subject “Internet and Java programming” in various courses vz. MCA, B. Tech., M.Sc., BCA and B. Sc. programmers can upgrade their skills through this book and achieve great height in the world of computer programming. The programs presented in this book are just to understand the application. Includes coverage of Servlets, JSP, RMI, Java Beans, EJB, Applets, AWT, JDBC and Swings etc. The book is self contained. The chapters is this book are arranged in a sequence order. Hundred of fully tested programs with output. Sort questions with answers are just to understand the topics. Moving from C++ to Java differentiates the features of both C++ and Java. Readers can understand the gap between Java and C++. Include Mini projects like calculator, Hotel Management System and Pay Roll Mgt. System.
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