This book is students friendly. It also demonstrates how to solve the industry related problems that crop up in Chemical Engineering Practice. The chapters are organized in a simple way that enables that students to acquire and in depth understanding of the subject. The emphasis is given to the fundamental of measuring instrument, Laplace Transform, Basic Concept of process control, first order and Second order system, Control of Industrial Bio-processes, Controller and Final control elements, Block diagram reduction techniques, Determination of Stability of a process, Advanced control techniques and control Structure of unit operations, all coming under the realm of Process Control. Apart from the numerous illustrations, the book contains review questions, exercises and aptitude test in chemical Engineering which bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical implementation. All numerical problems are solved in a systematic manner to reinforce the understanding of the concepts.
This book is primarily intended as a textbook for the under graduate students of Chemical Engineering, It will also be useful for other allied branches such as Medical Electronics, Aeronautical Engineering, Polymer Science and Engineering, Bio-technology as well as diploma in Chemical Engineering.
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