“Engineering Mechanics with Lab Manual” is a compulsory for the first year Diploma course in Engineering 7 Technology. Syllabus of this book is strictly align as per model curriculum of AICTE and academic content is amalgamate with the concept of Outcome based Education (OBE).
Book covers is five units- Basic mechanics & force system, Equilibrium, Friction, Centroid and Centre of gravity & simple lifting machine. Each unit written in every easy, systematic and orderly manner. Each unit contains a set of exercise at the end of each unit to test the student’s comprehension. Also in each unit the laboratory practical pertaining to unit is included.
Some salient features of the book:
1. Content of the book aligned with the mapping of Course Outcomes, Programs Outcomes and Unit Outcomes.
2. Book provides lots of recent information, interesting facts, QR Code for E-resources, QR Code for use of ICT, projects, group discussion etc.
3. Student and teacher centric subject materials included in book with balanced and chronological manner.
4. Figures, tables, equations and activities are insert to improve clarity of the topics.
5. Objective questions, Short questions and long answer exercise given for practice of students after every unit.
6. Solved and unsolved problems including numerical examples taken with systematic step.
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