Industries and business around the world are changing very fast as they are constantly disrupted with new technologies, new ideas and new approaches. It is therefore imperative for students to learn to manage the change that will inundate their lives. World organizations like world Economic Forum (WEF), International labor Organization (ILO), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and International Society for Technology Development (ISTE) have recommended a number of skills that the 21st century youth must possess in order to succeed in their professional and personal lives. They include, among others, the following 7C thinking skills:
1. Creative Thinking
2. Critical Thinking
3. Computational Thinking
4. Competitive Thinking
5. Comprehensive Thinking
6. Communicative Thinking
7. Collaborative Thinking
This book is all about developing these skills among the readers. The book comprehensively covers all major aspects of thinking. It presents in a simple and lucid manner concepts, models, analysis and applications of various thinking styles. Wherever necessary, pictorial representations of concepts and models are provided to facilitate easy grasping and better understanding of the concepts discussed. This book focuses on “how to think rather than what to think”. Successful thinking is a mindset that enables us to reach our full potential and provides us with the mental discipline to create and achieve positive outcomes. By mastering thinking skills, we can learn how to think differently and to solve problems at multiple levels of depth.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 : Importance of Thinking Skills.
Chapter 2 : Critical Thinking.
Chapter 3 : Creativity and Creative Thinking.
Chapter 4: Rational Thinking.
Chapter 5: Design Thinking.
Chapter 6: Ethical Thinking.
Chapter 7: Systems Thinking.
Chapter 8: Comparison of Thinking Styles.
Prof. E. Balagurusamy is currently the Chairman of EBG Foundation, Coimbatore. He served as a Member of High-Level Committee on School Education of Tamil Nadu Government and Chairman of Committee for Development of Text Books on Science and
Technology in Higher Education. He also served as a member (Education). Planning Commission of Tamil Nadu Government. He was earlier a Member of Union Public Service Commission and Chairman of Consortium for Educational Communications, New Delhi and Vice Chancellor of Anna University, Chennai, the largest technical university in India. A prolific writer, he has authored more than 40 Books on IT and Computer, many of them are being prescribed as texts in Universities and Colleges throughout India. Some of his books have been translated into Mandarin, Spanish, Korean and Russian Languages.
Prof. Balagurusamy, an ethical leader, philanthropist and recipient of numerous awards and honors, has established EBG Foundation, a Charitable Trust, to serve the socially and economically deprived sections of the society.
His biography “Nermaiyin Payanam” (A Journey of Honesty) was released by Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Minister of Finance, Government of India November,2019.
He hold an ME(Hons) in Electrical Engineering, PhD in Systems Engineering, both from IIT, Roorkee and a Diploma in Education from U.K.
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