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This privacy policy may apply to the information Khanna Book Publishing Company Private Limited collect through the websites, mobile applications, electronics devices, kiosks and all other interactive services this privacy policy governs the services regardless of how you access than the privacy policy describes.

1. Collection of Information:

We may collect information about you during your use of the services including your name, user name, password, email address postal address, phone number, mobile phone number, payment information, gender... year and information you provide or post on our services or allow to us access when you do certain things such as            

We may collect and store your user ID and may use that information to customize the services. We may obtain additional information via other means our aggregated information is hot subject to any restrictions under this policy.


2. Use of Information We Collect:

We may use the information that we collect for the following purposes:

3. Sharing and Disclosing User Information with Third Parties:

We will make your information available to other companies’ websites applications or people in the circumstances described before. We may share your information with affiliated third parties in order to provide services or products that you have requested. We may disclose your information in response to any court orders or other legal process we receive or to establish or exercise our legal right or to defend against legal claims.


4. Updating Information:

You may contact us and update your user profile information.


5. Protection of Information:

We may information reasonable administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect against the unauthorized access or destruction or alteration of your information.


6. No Right of Third Parties:

This privacy policy does not create right enforceable by third parties.


7. Changes to this Privacy Policy:

Khanna Book Publishing Company Private Limited reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time to reflect changes in the law, our data collection and use practices. The features of our services or advances in technology.