It is indeed a praiseworthy that M/s Khanna Book Publishing Company Private Limited is doing very good job in printing and publishing quality books in Engineering & technology at very reasonable price. I am associated with them for a long time and am very much satisfied with their personal care for their authors.
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I am very pleased with the professionalism and quality of my work published by Khanna Book Publishing. The quality & timely manner in which my books were brought to the market is really commendable. Keep it up for all books!
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Khanna Publishing is doing a great work in publishing quality books in the field of engineering & computer science. Mr. Mukul Seth, is an intelligent, well-behaved gentleman and very cooperative with his authors. I wish that he succeeds in his life and brings great heights to Khanna Publishing.
– R. Agor, Lecturer in Civil Engineering (Retd.), Technical Education, Delhi
I have authored more than 100 books with this publishing house and am very satisfied with their sincere efforts in bring my work to a mass audience and getting it appreciated all over the world. I owe a ‘big thank’ to the complete team of Khanna Publishing.
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Mr. Mukul Seth has given good heights to his publishing house and I wish all the success to such a humble and dignified person. He has published many quality books in various fields of engineering for the students at affordable price. It’s pleasure to get associated with Khanna Publishing.
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I want to thank “Khanna Publishing” for turning my dreams into reality. “Khanna Publishing” is more than a publisher, a mind-boggling array of subjects. Just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate their fine work. I got lot of positive reactions and heightening interest in my books from the readers. Once again “Khanna Publishing” has done an outstanding job!
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I have been associated with Khanna Publishing for more than 7 years now and has published more than 35 books. In this period of association with Mr. Mukul Seth,I found him as a source of great motivation, a pillar of brotherly strength ,from the very first day and as well , a totally dedicated professional in his field. Due to his sincere efforts, Khanna Publishing is today among the top publishing houses of the country. I congratulate him on his achievements so far and wish him good luck to reach many more heights of success in future.
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I know Mr. Mukul Seth of Khanna Publishing as my publisher of my books since more than a year now. He is a young, dynamic entrepreneur in the field of publishing technical books. He has a very pleasant personality and is very affable. It is my fortune that I came across a person like him as my publisher. I wish him all success in his endeavor in publishing large no. of such books.
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I have wonderful and remarkable association as an author with Khanna Book Publishing Company Private Limited for the last more than 15 years. Khanna Publishing considers its authors as a member of their family. Mr. Mukul, Director is a very humble and fantastic human being apart from being a committed and dedicated task master. He and his entire team is very responsive at all fronts. I wish all the very best to the complete Khanna Publishing team headed by Mr. Mukul Seth as a very dynamic director.
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Khanna Publishing Company considers its author as a member of the publishing house. The prompt response over phone, WhatsApp and Email from the Director, Mr. Mukul Seth is really commendable. The encouragement and guidance of the editorial board leads to high quality work from the author. The motivation from the publishers is a catalyst for every author to come up with many more books and get associated with Khanna Publishing lifelong.
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Khanna Publishing is a well-known publisher in the field of engineering & computer books since decades. They possess highly qualified team and have great respect and regards for their authors. My best wishes are always with them.
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Mr. Mukul Seth has always demonstrated professionalism and dedication to bring out high quality books at affordable prices for our society. Mukul, you are setting great examples for others.
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Serving the society since 1962.i.e. for more than five decades is in itself proof of the dedication and selfless services offered by KPC in the education arena. I wish all the best to Khanna Publishing for a more bright success and landmarks in rendering their services in future too.
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This is one of the most exciting parts where we get to express our appreciation as clients of this amazing creative agency. Thank you for all your hard work regarding our financial aspect!
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