This book is based on expertise of the authors obtained through their long teaching careers. It is put up in a simple language so that it could cater to one and all.
The attention of the students is drawn to the topics of bending moments and twisting moments which are not properly explained in most of other books. They have been explained with the help of Vectors, which are used to present these quantities in such a way that one can easily distinguish between these two, as what is Bending moments and what is Twisting Motions.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 : Two Dimensional Force System.
Chapter 2 : Friction.
Chapter 3 : Shearing Force and Bending Moment in Beams.
Chapter 4 : Truss.
Chapter 5 : Centroid, Centre of Gravity, Second Moment of Area and moment of Inertia.
Chapter 6 : Kinematics of Rigid Body.
Chapter 7 : Kinetics of Rigid Bodies.
Chapter 8 : Simple Stress and Strain.
Chapter 9 : Elastic Constants, Complex Stresses and Strain Energy.
Chapter 10 : Pure Bending of Beams.
Chapter 11 : Torsion.
Dr. D.S. Bedi is one of the distinguished writers in India. He possesses a very excellent academic background. He had held various high positions viz. formerly Professor Emeritus at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering and Technology (Punjab); Professor & Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (Punjab); Visiting Professor at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (USA); Principal, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College, (Punjab); Advisor-cum-Consultant at G.G.S. College of Modern Technology (Punjab); Director, Punjab College of Engineering, Technology, Punjab.
Dr. M.P. Poonia is presently serving as Vice Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Prior to this, he remained as Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh. Dr. Poonia is the recipient of Bharat Mata Award conferred by Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage (an International Institute of Oriental Studies and Research, Kolkata. Dr. M. P. Poonia is specialized in the field of Mechanical Engineering. He possesses a vast experience of 30 years. He has published 80 research papers in National and International Journals and published 8 books with M/s. Khanna Book Publishing Company.
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