Our environment is a gift of good given to us. We are growing multifaceted in technology and engineering but at the cost of the air, water and land around us. We are not focusing on our needs but on our wants. India is our country but earth is the mother of all countries, its every problem is our real concern. We will need every citizen’s help to answer to the very intense problem of the environment. Let us work at our own homes and save the environment.
All the universities and education boards are working for educating the masses on the issues related to the environment. all most everyone has covered all the alarming situations of the environment. The aim of writing this book was to gather the historical events and relate them to the present day situation the book is written according to the syllabus framed by the UGC for the course on Environmental Science to be studied by the undergraduate students of all Indian Universities. We have tried to touch the latest issues with the fresh available data.
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