Introduction to the software engineering milieu. Describe the software engineering Paradigms. Deals with planning and estimation. Describe the re engineering process. Deals with object oriented metrics. Describes the object-oriented analysis and design. Detailed explanation of software agents.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction To Software Engineering.
Chapter 2: Software Development Process.
Chapter 3: Software Project Management.
Chapter 4: Risk Analysis & Management.
Chapter 5: Software Configuration Management.
Chapter 6: Software Quality.
Chapter 7: Software Reliability.
Chapter 8: Software Economics.
Chapter 9: Software Re engineering.
Chapter 10: Software Re engineering Process.
Chapter 11: Software Reuse.
Chapter 12: Object Oriented Metrics.
Chapter 13: Object Oriented Analysis & Design.
Chapter 14: Element Of An Object-Oriented Model.
Chapter 15: Software Agents.
Chapter 16: Application Of Software Agents.
Ikvinderpal Singh
Ikvinderpal Singh, is Lecturer of P.G. Deptt. Of Computer Science & Applications, Khalsa College, Amritsar which is a premier institute in North India. He obtained his MCA with distinction from Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. He has always been excellence right from his student carrier. He has written five books. He brought name for himself when he topped the college in B.Sc. His other areas of interest include Fuzzy systems, digital electronics and java programming.
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